Top 10k strings from Colditz Castle (1983)(Phipps Associates).tzx
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3 |#t4$m|#eP#\8$m|| 3 rJ#tT$|P=|| 3 m|#D4$m|#t,$m 3 d|pt#]G$l|!E]P": 3 #eP$tt|lt|#l($p 2 b$=" # "+o$( 2 ;"Press a key to continue": 2 "ADVENT-3" 2 "ADVENT-2" 2 "ADVENT-1" 1 ~||x#lL#pL$pt| 1 ~|#,O$~||w#|H$`|#DH$r|#)H$}|!qZJ!rZR!rX<!q4F!rp8! 1 }~u||d#l8$x||~ 1 }||t#|>$)|#|?$)|#|@$)|#|A$)|#|B$)|#|C$)|#t>${rs|z 1 |~hp|z!ri?!ph0!r65!p6;": 1 |}||zf||~!p9;!pG;!pB;! 1 ||zr|#\8$h|| 1 ||pp|#l8$|l 1 |{||~#`,$| 1 |{||~#\,$|z{| 1 |zx#:H$|~l||z#*J$| 1 |#tH$|pl|| 1 |#iF$yx#dE$ 1 |#U5$P|#`,$|u#tH$~||Z!jxL!j`D!i`4": 1 |#2*$zx#-&$ 1 |!rq>!r=8!pr8": 1 |!rlL!rlD!pxD!ph8!p\0!p=0": 1 |!qtH!qxD!qNB!qVB!q8D! 1 |!p\<!r\P!rDE": 1 |!VcJ!Vc5": 1 {~#=T$xuyxyyzz#+D#:D$ 1 z||w#^>$|~z||z#\8$|x 1 z#k:$~w#j7$ 1 y!nvA!n[;!`7P": 1 x||x#r,#s0$|x#r,$| 1 x#W-$yx#PL$}w#NI$ 1 w|n#:2$|o#8%$| 1 v$;"passage outside the"'"castle armoury, where I find a door fitted with a combination lock to the east.";x$+"Phew! The door is open!" 1 u#A-$|~#=0$|~#=.$|y#8.$| 1 tall"'"tower."''"There is a man with a gun 1 south of the outer"'"courtyard. There are traces of torn clothing in the thorny"'"bushes.": 1 s(q)=s(q)-room* 1 s(q)=s(q)-q 1 s(q)=s(q)+q 1 room! He shoots me dead!B 1 rmctr=rmctr+q: 1 rJ#|T$T\P|#T4$|m#@4$|pt|| 1 rJ#|L$Ahd|#-8$|p 1 rJ#|H$)|#1H#-H$|`x|#]H$|`x|| 1 rJ#|<$`||e 1 rJ#xT$llP|l 1 rJ#t%$|~z~y 1 rJ#pD$t|x||t 1 rJ#lD$t|xx|x 1 rJ!x:A!xgA!x_A!xWA!xOB!xGB!x?@! 1 rJ!`3J!prD!qx(!q`,!q-)#r-$p|": 1 q$;"top of the 1 q$;"store keepers office."''"The only furnishing is a large oak writing desk in the centre of the room.": 1 q$;"stone coffin."''"At my feet is a heavy iron grate." 1 q$;"middle of the tunnel."'"It must have taken many days of hard labour to create this damp claustrophobic escape route."''"The roof looks decidedly unsafe towards the east!" 1 q$;"grounds at the s/west"'"side of the inner fence."''f$ 1 q$;"grounds at the s/eastside of the inner fence."''f$ 1 q$;"grounds at the n/eastside of the inner fence."''f$ 1 q$;"bushes by a mound"'"of dirt 1 q$;"base of the guard's tower at the n/west side of the inner fence."''f$ 1 q$;"Sorting Room."''"The tables are smothered in glueand small pieces of torn paper.": 1 q$;"Prisoners bunk room."''"There is a bunk against the far wall which appears as though someone has recently slept in it." 1 q$;"Pass Room."''"On the wall is a photograph of a VW Beetle with three men in uniform standing in front of it.": 1 q$;"Parcels Office."''"There is a wooden planked floor which makes a loud noise as I walk." 1 q$;"Orderlies quarters."'"The room is rather scruffy, and is lit by a small barred window in the northern wall.";x$(q)+"Some of the bars are bent apart!" 1 q$;"Great Hall. There is"'"a large fire place here ";"in whicha fire burns brightly." 1 q$;"German work room."''"Towards the west is a";" closed" 1 q$;"German toilet."''"I know it's for the Germans be- cause the paper is soft!"+x$ 1 q$;"Castle laundry."'"The room is dimly lit from a"'"tiny ";"barred" 1 p|xx!FT*": 1 p|tt#`N$|Sz|| 1 p$(q)>"06" 1 o(x)=q(x): 1 o(n)=o(n-q): 1 o(n)=o(n+q): 1 m$(room,z)=" 1 m$(room,z): 1 m$(room,z) 1 m$(room,rp): 1 e$=c$(cp): 1 e$=a$(level,cp,5 1 d$=d$+("No help here! (After all that!)" 1 cscreen 1 cmain 1 ccode 1 b$=b$+" go that way" 1 b$=b$+" do that at present" 1 b$="What shall I do now?": 1 b$="There is also:": 1 b$="Start tape then press ENTER...": 1 b$="I have with me:": 1 b$="I don't understand that!": 1 b$="I don't have it!": 1 b$="I can't" 1 b$="I can't!": 1 b$="I can't manage any more!": 1 b$="Do you want to try again?": 1 b$="Do you want to save this game?": 1 b$="Do you want to continue?": 1 b$="...Okay.": 1 b$=" nothing at all.": 1 b$=" - "+o$(x): 1 b$=" - "+O$(X): 1 Y||`hq#x%$h 1 V$;"Small toilet."'"There doesn't appear to be much of interest here!": 1 There is a dead guard on the floor laying in a pool of blood.X 1 The fence is blocking the way.H 1 The fence has a hole cut in it. 1 S(q)=S(q)-q 1 Q;"_________________________" 1 Q$;"top of the chimney."'"The voices are very loud here - I can make out the words"'"""password"" and ""escaliber"". The"'"rest is very faint.": 1 Q$;"tool room."''"There is a work bench here."'"Small wood shavings litter the floor around its base.": 1 Q$;"the shower room."''"There is a tap on the wall."'"The shower is gushing water onto the floor." 1 Q$;"strong room."'"I can see a metal safe against the wall."''"The safe door is ";"shut fast." 1 Q$;"solitary cells."''"Old dark stains show up on the walls from light that filters through a dirty skylight."''"There is a prisoner here who is too weak to move." 1 Q$;"prisoners canteen."''"There are tables and chairs"'"laying around as if everyone hadto leave in a hurry.": 1 Q$;"print room."''"Apart from some inky tables,"'"there is only a printing machinestanding in the corner which is obviously ";"not in" 1 Q$;"outer courtyard."''"There's an open gate to the eastand a door to the north."''n$ 1 Q$;"guard room, where"'"the air is full of stale tobaccosmoke. Smells like VUDBINES to me.": 1 Q$;"field next to the car"'"park, where there are tiny"'"mounds of dirt dotted around.": 1 Q$;"entrance to the car"'"park. In the distance I can see a German staff car and a guard holding his hand up to stop me!"''"I must be calm and tactful...": 1 Q$;"entrance of a dark tunnel.": 1 Q$;"end of the sewer pipe."'"Looking down I can see a river far below.": 1 Q$;"dentists surgery."''"Fearsome looking implements are placed in neat rows on the work surfaces.": 1 Q$;"castle cells."'"There are cell doors to the"'"north and east which are ";"shut"+ 1 Q$;"castle armoury."''"Training exercises mean that"'"most of the weapons are booked out, but there are a few still chained to the walls which I cannot remove.": 1 Q$;"car park."'"All about me is quiet, but I am sensing danger!";x$+"Here is a German staff car." 1 Q$;"Kommandant's office."'"A large heavy oak writing desk rests against one wall and a"'"drinks cabinet against another.";x$+"One of the desk drawers is open!" 1 Q$;"Kommandant's dressingroom, where there is a bulky"'"bath robe hanging on the wall and two small puddles of water on the floor beside the dressingtable.": 1 Q$;"German barracks."''"Luckily, this is shift handover time, so there is no-one around to see me.": 1 Q$;"Crypt."''"The walls are running with slimycondensation. I can see a giant stone coffin with a heavy stone lid.": 1 Q$;"Chapel of Rest."'"There are some old well-worn"'"stone steps by the east wall.": 1 Q$;"Castle kitchen."''"I can see nothing of interest inhere.": 1 Passages lead 1 P$(q,q)="a" 1 OK=(O(N)=ROOM 1 OK=(O(N)<p) 1 OK=(N=ROOM 1 OK=(C(N)=q) 1 O(N)=ROOM: 1 N 01NORT01S 03SOUT03E 02EAST02W 04WEST04U 05UP 05D 06DOWN06GET 13TAKE13DROP14USE 15CUT 16SAW 16BARS17WIND17CLIM18OUT 19IN 20LOWE21ROPE22TURN23TAP 24FILL25FLUS26MOVE27BUNK28BED 28ENTE29LIGH30CAND31PROP32DIG 33FLOO34THRO35CUT 36KILL37GUAR38SEAR39UNIF40CLOT40FIT 41SILE42OPEN43CLOS44DOOR45UNLO46PULL47KEY 48LEVE49LIFT50CROW51COFF52GRAT53UNSC54JUMP56SHAR57KNIF58DAGG58SHOO59GUN 60WEAR61REMO63UNDR63BRIB64MACH65INST66OPER67FIT 66OPER68READ69PASS70KEEP71FEED72PRIS73DISG74DRES74FIRE75PUTO76EXTI76LIST77CUTT78HACK79STON80SCRE81PLAT82EAT 83FOOD84BUCK85EXPL86LETT87SPAD88GLAS89MONE90DIAR91TAKE13CRAW92UNDE93ROBE94SIGN96PEN 97DRAW98ALL 99SAFEa13214a21771a3CAR a4STARa5ESCAa6PLANa7QUITa8LOOKa9INVEb1TOOL62CELL55JAIL55KEYS48WIRE78TOIL26BATHc1FUCKb9WANKb9SHITb9BUM b9HELPh1HINTh1CLUEh1KNOBk5WALLm0YARRg5ZULPg6TRANg7KEEPk6NOTIk7BOARk7WATEf3JUG j3CANDk9STICl0HANDl1COINl2INGOl3FLUIl4JEWEl5DRAPi6DOORl6POTIl7MASKl8AMULl9WANDl0NEW m1URN m2COBWm4SCORm5LADDm6CIRCm7CUPBm8BRIDm9CRYSn0TIE n1INTOb9THRUb9TAKEa9CASKh1 1 L(M),P(M): 1 J06.S60M. D 1 In front of the door is a guard.S@ 1 I'm in the staff car.G 1 I'm in the 1 I'm in a Q 1 F##N##^#V#"B 1 D(M),M(M): 1 COLDITZ 1 C(Q)=C(Q)-Q 1 C(N)=C(N)-q: 1 B$="SOME LIGHT OR I'LL BE IN TROUBLE": 1 B$="IT IS DARK, I HAD BETTER GET": 1 A<#iL$|tt|| 1 A passage leads 1 A CIGARETTE LIGHTER A GUN A GUN WITH SILENCER A SILENCER WIRE CUTTERS FLOOR BOARDS THE TOOLROOM KEY A HACKSAW A BROKEN HACKSAW A CROWBAR A SHARPENING STONE A SCREWDRIVER A HOLY CANDLE A LIGHTED CANDLE 30ft ROPE A HANGING ROPE A HAND GRENADE A RUSTY DAGGER A SHARP DAGGER A PRINTING PLATE A PASS CAR KEYS THE JAIL KEYS SOME TASTY FOOD AN EMPTY BUCKET A BUCKET OF WATER SOME EXPLOSIVES A LETTER A GUARDS UNIFORM A UNIFORM I'M WEARING AN OFFICERS UNIFORM PRISONER WEARING UNIFORM 30ft ROPE A SPADE A PIECE OF GLASS AN EMPTY GUN SOME MONEY SOME DIARYS A PEN 1 ;"Window ledge": 1 ;"Window Ledge": 1 ;"Wash room": 1 ;"Top Landing": 1 ;"Theatre": 1 ;"The outer fence": 1 ;"The cell": 1 ;"Start master tape again...": 1 ;"Stairs up": 1 ;"Sick bay": 1 ;"STOP THE TAPE"; 1 ;"S/W Courtyard": 1 ;"S/E Courtyard": 1 ;"Road to border": 1 ;"Press a key" 1 ;"Now start the tape & press a key"; 1 ;"N/W Courtyard": 1 ;"N/E Courtyard": 1 ;"Mastering now...": 1 ;"Main gate": 1 ;"Leave tape running...":: 1 ;"Interview room": 1 ;"Castle sewers": 1 ;"Castle grounds": 1 ;"<< PLEASE WAIT >>"; 1 ;"<< LOADING >>" 1 ;" Welcome to Colditz castle! " 1 88088888888080088888800(88088 1 8000000000000888888000( 888 1 3031B13D01.H13E03L. 3031B14D01.D09M. 4142D02D04.J04H02L. 5758D11D18.H18L. 5960D03.D35I36J03S90O. 5960D02.D34Q. 6140D29.H29E21L. 6300D30.H29F21L. 5960D36.D36L. 6970D21F24.D41N. 6970D21E24.D42N. 7400D31F28E27.E28J31O. 8384D24.D51J24L. 6987D28.D53E34M. 9670D21D39F24E34.E24L. 9670D21D39F24F34.D54M. 6991D38.D57M. 1348.D23M. 1448.D23M. b900.S63M. 1 300160026003420478053406620779087909511080118112311331142215221686175818581982207021a42255238424852585268627872840294029403140322233883489356036903791389739 1 23642-23296": 1 23641+256* 1 23631+256* 1 1984 Phipps Associates 1 .N. .N. A22J02.D33Q. A32F12G01.D21Q. A32F12.D20N. A53E27F28.D44Q. A79H10.D77Q. A72C21.D63Q. A72D21E24.D64N. A72D21F24.D65Q. A73F40G04.D21Q. A73F40.D67N. A76E41.D71N. A76F41.D72Q. A77F27.D74P. A77E27.D75P. N 1 ..................................................................///...../(((((((////............/(((.....((((0(((((/............/((((((((((((0(((((/............//0/////((0000000(((((((((((((..((0((((/(((((0(((((((((((((((((((0008/(8((0000000((8(((8888808(((88((((88888888808(8(000000008(((00((((88888888808((((0888880888880888(880000000008(880000000800000000(880888888888(880808800880880880(8800000000088000000080880000880(88088 1 (match/256)": 1 '"The lid is off!" 1 '"A rope hangs down from a large bell in the roof." 1 '"A desk drawer is open!" 1 '" Some of the objects have side effects, for instance you can't bribe guards when they are dead." 1 '" If you need further help now, type HELP, otherwise if you justpress ""enter"" I will begin to load the main game." 1 '" If you are having trouble trying to do something, it usually means that what you are attempting is beyond your (or my!) power. Try a different app-roach and you may succeed." 1 '" I can understand many words - about 120 - for example:"'"LOOK, QUIT, GET, DROP, USE, OPEN"'"If I don't understand you I will"'"say so." 1 '" I am a prisoner of war held in Colditz castle, my mission is toaid the escape of a prisoner locked away in the solitary cellof the castle. On the way, I will discover many objects which I may have touse to help me in my search." 1 '" From time to time I may come across some objects which may help you in your journey. At anytime, you can see what I am holding by typing INVENTORY." 1 '" Directions are NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, UP and DOWN." 1 '" At any time, you can see the objects I am holding by typing GIVE INVENTORY, or just INVE forshort." 1 '" As this is a long game, when you QUIT you will be asked if you want to save your present position on tape ready to start again the next time." 1 #|L$lpl|#H@$\|#l@$|a#pC$|^#pC$ 1 #|L$)|#|@$)|#0@$|a#t%$| 1 #|@$Ia#q%$4 1 #v3$|y#xL$pw#pI$|x#tJ$| 1 #tD$|t#h<$| 1 #tD$pt#h@$ 1 #t8$tx#i8$ 1 #q0$|x#d)#b4$|p#`($| 1 #p<$|e#h<$T 1 #p;"Start the tape & press a key": 1 #p;"(press a key to scroll)": 1 #l@$xxt|#`<$xx| 1 #j8$|x#i4$| 1 #h8$|i#Z%$| 1 #dT$|x#8D$p|z 1 #d<$ll#V,$|z{| 1 #d8$|i#h9$|l 1 #`T$tp#H<$}||}{||{#<<${||}}||{#7<$ 1 #`<$z}#\>$v 1 #`8$zz#\8$~|#h<$xx#|T$ll#^6$zzI|#\4$|m#P4$|pl|| 1 #^4$|p#\($| 1 #Z4$|p!pu5!po/!ro>#3A$ 1 #Q8$|i#X($| 1 #PD#PH$|tz|| 1 #P@$|xx||xx||xx||xx||xx||xy|#P<$e 1 #I7$x|#T+#S-$ 1 #H8$|i#<%$| 1 #H4$|p#F.$|}}||{{|#J.$}||}{||{#tL$|dpt| 1 #DM$x~!pd8!pb>!pZB!pRF!pIK!pBP!phP! 1 #D>$tx|z#<:$| 1 #@D$|]#XD$ 1 #@8$|i#T%$ 1 #@0$u~#@,$u}#<($y}!pL,!pl,": 1 #;8$|on|{|#+8$|o}|#lF$|^dy| 1 #:=$|~#::$|z#>8$|~#D7$|{#10$ 1 #8@$|y{yyx~w~w}y}x#,T$|x 1 #63$|n#4%$| 1 #4,$|{}||}{|#L0$|q!jxR!jdR!j9H!j]B!jZ?!j@A!j6>": 1 #33$|~#30$|z": 1 #24$|m#h8$ 1 "s(1)-room*100" 1 "room*100+S(1)": 1 "narrow passage where"'"the high walls mean that I can only go onwards or turn back - this is a dangerous place to be!": 1 "match-256*level": 1 "large fire place."''"A ladder leads upwards towards the direction of the voices.": 1 "Yum, yum! That was nice." 1 "You'll have to work harder than that before I give you any help!" 1 "You must be joking! Have you seen the colour of the water?" 1 "Which key?" 1 "What's the combination?" 1 "What with?" 1 "What do mounds bring to mined?" 1 "What a BIG fireplace!!" 1 "Well done! You managed to escapebut you failed in your mission to aid the escape of the prisoner. Better luck next time!" 1 "Well done! You have succesfully completed your mission! Whitehall has awarded you the V.C. (Vesta Curry!)" 1 "Try dropping something..." 1 "This part of the tunnel is safe." 1 "They are unlocked." 1 "They are open." 1 "They are all taken." 1 "The uniform is covered in blood.It is useless." 1 "The sound of my gun attracted the guards - they shoot me dead!" 1 "The roof needed securing and has fallen in! I have suffocatedunder a mound of dirt." 1 "The road is too narrow to turn the car around." 1 "The pass was inspected by the guards and they have opened the main gate." 1 "The pass was inspected by the guards and they have noticed that it has not been signed! They shoot me dead!" 1 "The next rung of the ladder is out of my reach." 1 "The main gates have been closed." 1 "The machine spins into life and a pass falls to the floor." 1 "The machine has a bit missing." 1 "The letter says the combination to the safe is 3214. The letter is signed G.SMITT Kommandant." 1 "The hacksaw blade has broken." 1 "The gun is empty." 1 "The guards chase me across the bridge and shoot me dead!" 1 "The guard was too fast for me and has shot me dead!" 1 "The guard sees that I am escaping and shoots me dead!" 1 "The guard says no one is to enter the car park." 1 "The guard says ""What is the password?""" 1 "The guard points his gun at me. He says ""What do you want?""" 1 "The guard outside the cells seesme smuggling the prisoner out! He shoots me dead!" 1 "The guard is not impressed. He shoots me dead." 1 "The grate is blocking my way." 1 "The doors are locked." 1 "The door swings open..." 1 "The diaries are written in German! I can't understand them." 1 "The dagger was blunt and only rips the guards clothes... He turns and shoots me dead!" 1 "The cell keeper won't let me open the doors." 1 "The bars block my way." 1 "The bars are cut." 1 "Save your money, he's dead." 1 "Perhaps it would look nice if were-arranged thefurniture..." 1 "Long pieces of wood are handy." 1 "It's too far to walk to the maingates." 1 "It's far too high to jump - we'dbetter use equipment, but DON'T LOSE IT!!" 1 "It won't budge an inch." 1 "It is unlocked." 1 "It is too steep to climb withoutequipment." 1 "It is open." 1 "It is locked." 1 "It is cut." 1 "It is already on!" 1 "It is already full!" 1 "It is alight." 1 "In the distance I can hear an explosion ." 1 "If you can't walk on the floor- boards..." 1 "I've reached the end of the"'"tunnel."''"There is a wall of soil blockingthe way east.": 1 "I'm under the stage. In the far corner is a dusty prop box whichis owned by the Entertainments Committee. There is not enough room for me to stand upright.";x$+"The prop box is open!" 1 "I'm outside the jailhouse with the door to the east."'n$ 1 "I'm on the road south of the"'"river ";u$'g$;"north and south": 1 "I'm on a ladder half way up the chimney. The ladder is broken 1 "I'm on a bridge over a river."'"The road narrows to a single carwidth, since the bridge was"'"obviously built for foot pass- age originally. The river looks cold and menacing.": 1 "I'm at the final guard post."''"The barrier is down." 1 "I was unarmed - the guard turns and shoots me dead!" 1 "I need equipment!" 1 "I know of many places and you can guide me by telling me whichdirection you want me to move. You only need to type the first letter of the direction, e.g. ""GO NORTH"" can be entered as ""N""" 1 "I hear the voices say ""1771""" 1 "I haven't started the car yet!" 1 "I have stepped onto a mine and have been blown up!" 1 "I have made it safely across"'"the border!"''"Hoards of soldiers surround me, cheering and waving.": 1 "I have found a gun silencer in the guards tower." 1 "I have fallen into the river and I am being carried along by its strong flow!": 1 "I have been smashed on the rocksand have been killed!" 1 "I had better leave the bridge - it is about to blow up!" 1 "I forgot to put out the fire first! I have burned to death!" 1 "I don't know the Kommandant's name!" 1 "I don't have the car keys?!" 1 "I did not say the password... The guards shoot me dead!" 1 "I did not have a pass to leave by the main gates... The guards shoot me dead!" 1 "I cut the bars, the window is open." 1 "I can't walk through the fence!" 1 "I am dangling from a rope 30ft below the sewer pipe!"''"Your assistance in resolving"'"this predicament would be"'"greatly appreciated...": 1 "Hmmm. If only I were a mole..." 1 "Heights don't cut with me!" 1 "He is already dead." 1 "Got a spare hand?" 1 "For shame! I might be a lady forall you know!" 1 "Ever tried CUTTING and CLIMBING?" 1 "Enter what?" 1 "Doors have the rather unusual property that they are solid, thus preventing my passage!" 1 "Don't pass this one by!" 1 "Don't just sit there!!" 1 "Don't be silly!" 1 "Don't be silly! I'm not going to have a bath!" 1 "Ding Dong! Ding Dong! The guards hear the bell and shoot me dead!" 1 "Desks have drawers?" 1 "Click... The gun was empty! The guard shoots me dead!" 1 "At all times, try to put your- self in my position to decide what you want me to do next." 1 "Answer YES or NO:"; 1 "A guard hears my footsteps on the floor and rushes into the room! He shoots me dead!" 1 "9";"Press a key" 1 "9");"There is a dirt floor underfoot." 1 "8000+room*10": 1 "8";d$(q);" 1 "8";"Kommandants bedroom": 1 "8",p;"The prisoner is following me" 1 "8");"The roof eastward is propped up and safe." 1 "7000+n*10": 1 "7");"There is an entrance to a tunnelnext to the bunk bed!" 1 "6000+room": 1 "51");"The door lock looks as though someone has forced it to get"'"out.": 1 "4000+TYPE*100" 1 "40");"The barrier is raised!" 1 "40")''"The road bends away to the southwhile the main gates are to the west."''U$: 1 "4";"Twisty sewer": 1 "39");x$+U$ 1 "37");" window which shows"'"several vast coppers filled with boiling clothes.": 1 "36");"open!" 1 "31");"with remains of a recent fire." 1 "31")''"I can hear voices!": 1 "30");"wide"+ 1 "30")''"The jail keeper is at his desk." 1 "2900+TYPE*10" 1 "27"),"he is disguised as a Nazi" 1 "26");"The jail keeper lies dead on thefloor." 1 "24";"is"; 1 "23681",q: 1 "23681",p: 1 "23659",q+q: 1 "23659",p: 1 "22";"uniform" 1 "22");"in 1 "22");" working order.": 1 "21";"wearing a"; 1 "21";"following"; 1 "21";"A prisoner"; 1 "21",p;"Start tape & press a key": 1 "21",P;"Are you starting a new game?": 1 "20",p;"There are three files to load.": 1 "20",p;"Do you wish to LOAD a previouslySAVE'd game?": 1 "19");"There is a hole in the floor." 1 "19")''"Water flows not too far below.": 1 "15");"n open" 1 "15")'"door with sawdust on the floor nearby.": 1 "13"+"open." 1 "13"+"fast." 1 "13");"who is naked." 1 "12");"who is wearing a Nazi uniform." 1 "12");"There is a dead man here " 1 """This authorises two people to leave through the main gate Signed _________Kommandant.""" 1 """This authorises two people to leave through the main gate Signed G. SMITT Kommandant.""" 1 " You can QUIT if you've had enough, or LOOK if you need to be reminded of your surroun- dings." 1 " I will act as your eyes and hands while you guide me with simple sentences such as: GO NORTH or GET THE DAGGER"'"TAKE ALL or CLIMB UP THE ROPE" 1 " Welcome to Colditz Castle": 1 !pl9#9G$|Z 1 !hl2!hj/!im*": 1 !BpR!BdR!BSR!BDR!B5R!r27!rs7! 1 I have just touched an electric fence 1000 volts sends me to my grave." 1 1983 PHIPPS ASSOCIATES 1 here, and I can see no way of getting further up."'"The voices are getting louder!": 1 888888000008 0 00""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1 THIS PROGRAM IS PROTECTED 1 Colditz Escape 1 By Tony Barber